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Cruip CSS


Effective on March 1st, 2023, Cruip CSS templates are no longer distributed, maintained or supported.

All sections have a similar outer structure in terms of HTML, and it looks like this πŸ‘‡

<!-- The section -->
<section class="section">

    <!-- A container (optional) -->
    <!-- Use .container-sm or .container-xs to make it smaller, see helper classes -->
    <div class="container">
        <!-- Inner section wrapper -->
        <div class="section-inner">
            <!-- Section content -->

That basic structure can be used when you need a generic section with custom content.

In React and Vue, you can create a generic section component in the /src/components/sections/ folder (it’s named GenericSection.js / GenericSection.vue), and it can be imported/used in this way πŸ‘‡

    <!-- Section content -->
    <!-- Section content -->
Normally, and as we will see in the next chapter, all ready-made sections respect the same structure, and they include two extra classes for specificity reasons. For example, the hero section works like this πŸ‘‡

<section class="hero section"><!-- We've added a .hero class -->
    <div class="container">
        <div class="hero-inner section-inner"><!-- We've added a .hero-inner class -->
            <!-- Hero section content -->

So, in the case you want to add your own custom section, we highly recommend to follow this approach.

Top and bottom borders

You can show a line divider at the top or to the bottom of a section using the .has-top-divider / .has-bottom-divider helper classes.

<!-- Section with a top divider matching the container width -->
<section class="section">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="section-inner has-top-divider">
            <!-- Section content -->

In React and Vue πŸ‘‡

<GenericSection topDivider>
    <!-- Section content -->
<c-generic-section top-divider>
    <!-- Section content -->

For full-width dividers, add the .has-top-divider or .has-bottom-divider classes to the outer <section> element πŸ‘‡

<!-- Section with full-width dividers -->
<section class="section has-top-divider has-bottom-divider">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="section-inner">
            <!-- Section content -->

Use the following props in React and Vue πŸ‘‡

<GenericSection topOuterDivider bottomOuterDivider>
    <!-- Section content -->
<c-generic-section top-outer-divider bottom-outer-divider>
    <!-- Section content -->

Invert colors

You can quickly invert background and text colors of a section with the helper .has-bg-color and .invert-color classes. Here is an example where we invert white and dark backgrounds:

<section class="section has-bg-color invert-color">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="section-inner">
            <!-- Section content -->

Use the following props for React or Vue πŸ‘‡

<GenericSection hasBgColor invertColor>
    <!-- Section content -->
<c-generic-section has-bg-color invert-color>
    <!-- Section content -->

If you want to show a title and / or a short paragraph at the top of your section, please refer to the section header chapter.


Here is the full list of props shared by all sections. These props are stored in a separate file (src/utils/SectionProps.js) that needs to be imported into a section component. Have a look at the generic section component (GenericSection.js / GenericSection.vue) if you feel disoriented πŸ‘‡

import { SectionProps } from '../../utils/SectionProps';

const propTypes = {

const defaultProps = {
import { SectionProps } from '@/utils/SectionProps.js'

export default {
  mixins: [SectionProps]

React props

PropTypeDefaultAccepted values

Vue props

PropTypeDefaultAccepted values


Style is defined into 3 files:

πŸ“‹ Core file

πŸ‘†πŸš« Don’t edit this file!

πŸ“‹ Settings file

πŸ‘† Use this to adjust Sass variables

πŸ“‹ Theme file

πŸ‘† Use this to add custom CSS

Learn more about the Sass logic behind each template.
Last updated on August 17, 2021