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Cruip CSS

Sass files structure

Effective on March 1st, 2023, Cruip CSS templates are no longer distributed, maintained or supported.

All Sass files are stored in the src/scss/ folder. Inside the folder, there is the main style.scss file, plus 3 more folders.

└── scss/
    ├── core/
    ├── settings/
    ├── theme/
    └── style.scss
  • core/ folder contains the “core style” shared by all templates. It’s a sort of framework, where the properties are based on the variables defined in the settings/ folder. You should never modify any of the files inside the core directory ?
  • settings/ contains all the template-specific variables at the base of each template. If you want to change a color, a font size or more, that’s the place!
  • theme/ has the same structure of core/, and it’s the place where you can override the core style or extend it by adding custom CSS.
Last updated on May 25, 2021