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Cruip CSS

Vue templates

Effective on March 1st, 2023, Cruip CSS templates are no longer distributed, maintained or supported.

➡️ Run npm install to install dependencies.

➡️ Run npm run serve to run the app in the development mode.

➡️ Run npm run build to build a production-ready app.

You can learn more on the Create React App documentation.

Feel confused? ? Watch the video below! ?


Deploy with Netlify

To deploy with Netlify you just need to create a repository and copy the whole content of the Vue folder, then, create a new site from Git in Netlify to deploy the app. We have included a netlify.toml file to allow you deploying without configuring anything.

Deploy with Heroku

In order to deploy with Heroku, we have added a server.js file in the root and a start script in the package.json file to be run once Vue.js installs dependencies (express is required as a dependency in the package.json file).

Last updated on May 25, 2021