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Cruip CSS


Effective on March 1st, 2023, Cruip CSS templates are no longer distributed, maintained or supported.

The header is structured in this way πŸ‘‡

<header class="site-header">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="site-header-inner">
			<!-- Logo image or site name -->
			<div class="brand">
				<h1 class="m-0">
					<a href="#">
						<!-- Site name, or image (ideal size: 32x32px) -->
			<!-- Hamburger button for mobile -->
			<button id="header-nav-toggle" class="header-nav-toggle" aria-controls="primary-menu" aria-expanded="false">
				<span class="screen-reader">Menu</span>
				<span class="hamburger">
					<span class="hamburger-inner"></span>
			<!-- Header navigation -->
			<nav id="header-nav" class="header-nav">
				<div class="header-nav-inner">
				  <!-- Primary navigation -->
					<!-- It supports .header-nav-center and .header-nav-right classes -->
					<ul class="list-reset text-xxs">
							<a href="#">Header link</a>
					<!-- Secondary navigation (e.g. CTA buttons) -->
					<ul class="list-reset header-nav-right">
							<a class="button button-sm" href="#">Sign up</a>

In React and Vue, the header component is located into the /src/components/layout/ folder, and it can be imported/used in this way πŸ‘‡

<Header />
<c-header />

For every templates we include a SVG logo (shipped in the /src/images/ folder), and the recommended size is 32x32px.

<img src="images/logo.svg" alt="Abstract" width="32" height="32">

In React and Vue, the logo is included as a partial file, and it’s stored in the /src/components/layout/partials/ folder.

As shown in the example above, the header can have a primary navigation (for menu links), a secondary one (for buttons), or both.

The primary navigation is left-aligned by default. You can center align the content by adding the .header-nav-center class, or you even right align it by using the .header-nav-right class.

Header configuration

Normally, the secondary navigation is right-aligned by default, so it comes with the .header-nav-right class by default on the latter <ul> element.

<!-- Primary navigation, left align -->
<ul class="list-reset text-xxs">
		<a href="#">Header link</a>

<!-- Primary navigation, center align -->
<ul class="list-reset text-xxs header-nav-center">
		<a href="#">Header link</a>

<!-- Primary navigation, right align -->
<ul class="list-reset text-xxs header-nav-right">
		<a href="#">Header link</a>

You can use the navPosition (React) or nav-position (Vue) props on the header component to change the primary navigation alignment πŸ‘‡

<!-- Primary navigation, center align -->
<Header navPosition="center" />

<!-- Primary navigation, right align -->
<Header navPosition="right" />
<!-- Primary navigation, center align -->
<c-header nav-position="center" />

<!-- Primary navigation, right align -->
<c-header nav-position="right" />

Hide navigation

While hiding primary and secondary navigation it’s just a matter of deleting a few lines of code in the HTML template, in React and Vue we have provided a couple of options to speed up the process. Let’s have a look at the example below πŸ‘‡

<!-- Hide both primary and secondary navigation -->
<Header hideNav />

<!-- Hide the secondary navigation only -->
<Header hideSignin />
<!-- Hide both primary and secondary navigation -->
<c-header hide-nav />

<!-- Hide the secondary navigation only -->
<c-header hide-signin />

Bottom borders

If you want to display a border at the bottom of the header area, you can use the .has-bottom-divider helper class like in the example below πŸ‘‡?

<header class="site-header">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="site-header-inner has-bottom-divider">
			<!-- header content -->

In React and Vue there is a prop for that πŸ‘‡

<Header bottomDivider />
<c-header bottom-divider />

For a full-width divider, add the .has-bottom-divider class to the .site-header element πŸ‘‡

<header class="site-header has-bottom-divider">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="site-header-inner">
			<!-- header content -->

In React and Vue there is a prop for that πŸ‘‡

<Header bottomOuterDivider />
<c-header bottom-outer-divider />


React props

PropTypeDefaultAccepted values
navPositionstringIt’s left by default, accepts center and right

Vue props

PropTypeDefaultAccepted values
nav-positionstringIt’s left by default, accepts center and right
In React and Vue, navigation links should be nested into the header components.


Style is defined into 3 files:

πŸ“‹ Core file

πŸ‘†πŸš« Don’t edit this file!

πŸ“‹ Settings file

πŸ‘† Use this to adjust Sass variables

πŸ“‹ Theme file

πŸ‘† Use this to add custom CSS

Learn more about the Sass logic behind each template.
Last updated on August 17, 2021